The Poisson lognormal model and variants can be used for a variety of multivariate problems when count data are at play (including PCA or LDA for count data, network inference). This package implements efficient variational algorithms to fit such models accompanied with a set of functions for visualization and diagnostic.

Multivariate Poisson lognormal model (aka PLN)

See the main function PLN() and the associated methods for manipulation.

Also try vignette("PLN_trichoptera", package="PLNmodels") for an overview.

Rank Constrained Poisson lognormal for Poisson Principal Component Analysis (aka PLNPCA)

See the main function PLNPCA() and the associated methods for manipulation.

The Poisson PCA and the associated variational inference is fully explained in Chiquet el al (2018), see reference below.

Also try vignette("PLNPCA_trichoptera", package="PLNmodels") for an overview.

Sparse Poisson lognormal model for sparse covariance inference for counts (aka PLNnetwork)

See the main function PLNnetwork() and the associated methods for manipulation.

Also try vignette("PLNnetwork_trichoptera", package="PLNmodels") for an overview.

Poisson lognormal discriminant analysis (aka PLNLDA)

See the main function PLNLDA() and the associated methods for manipulation.

Also try vignette("PLNLDA_trichoptera", package="PLNmodels") for an overview.

Mixtures of Poisson lognormal models for model-based clustering (aka PLNmixture)

See the main function PLNmixture() and the associated methods for manipulation.

Also try vignette("PLNmixture_trichoptera", package="PLNmodels") for an overview.


Julien Chiquet

Mahendra Mariadassou

Stéphane Robin