This data set gives the abundance of 30 fish species observed in 89 sites in the Barents sea. For each site, 4 additional covariates are known. Subsample of the original datasets studied by Fossheim et al, 2006.
A data frame with 6 variables:
Abundance: A 30 fish species by 89 sites count matrix
Offset: A 30 fish species by 89 samples offset matrix, measuring the sampling effort in each site
4 covariates for latitude, longitude, depth (in meters), temperature (in Celsius degrees).
Data from M. Fossheim and coauthors.
Fossheim, Maria, Einar M. Nilssen, and Michaela Aschan. "Fish assemblages in the Barents Sea." Marine Biology Research 2.4 (2006). doi:10.1080/17451000600815698