Extracts model coefficients from objects returned by ZIPLN()
and its variants
an R6 object with class ZIPLNfit
type of parameter that should be extracted. Either "count" (default) for \(B\), "zero" for \(B0\), "precision" for \(\Omega\), "covariance" for \(\Sigma\)
additional parameters for S3 compatibility. Not used
A matrix of coefficients extracted from the ZIPLNfit model.
# data subsample: only 100 random cell and the 50 most varying transcript
subset <- sample.int(nrow(scRNA), 100)
myPLN <- ZIPLN(counts[, 1:50] ~ 1 + offset(log(total_counts)), subset = subset, data = scRNA)
#> Initialization...
#> Adjusting a ZI-PLN model with full covariance model and single specific parameter(s) in Zero inflation component.
#> DONE!